Why Creative Advertising is Essential for Any Business Banner

The heart and soul of any branding or advertising is creativity. It gives life to messages that otherwise may seem boring or unimportant in the minds of the target audience. Advertisers often approach creative advertising agencies in India for developing and designing ads and campaigns, which in turn sprout creativity. 

But what exactly makes an ad creative? Or rather, what is creative advertising? Creative advertising is the perfect amalgamation of copy and visual. It acts as a pillar to the existing marketing mix and transforms a normal ad into an eye-catching, interesting one. The perfect copy and visual creates an image of prestige, sets the mood, garners eyeballs and has a greater recall. Creative advertising should mainly focus on these key points:


Remember the golden rule, ‘No idea is a bad idea.’ It is hard to come up with an original idea, so list down all the ideas that spring onto your mind, and later analyse and review each of them weighing out the pros and cons. Originality generally refers to producing something new, or combining fresh perspectives with the original ones. Steering away from the obvious, an original ad comprises elements that are rare and surprising. The focus is on the uniqueness of the ideas or the features contained in the ad. A creative advertisement is far from the norm by applying a unique visual or verbal solution that makes the audience take notice of your product or service.


In this digital age, people spend a lot of time online looking for information, browsing through their social media or just surfing the web. Consumers are becoming savvier about how they view and consume information that appeals to them. This is where creative advertising is effective because it grabs the audience’s attention. Whether it is through striking visuals, relevant topic, content, offering or a combination of everything, it is bound to create a great impact in their minds.

Getting the audience’s attention isn’t always enough for a brand to reach its sales goals. You need to hold on to their attention long enough for them to persuade an action or a reaction. More often than not, the most simplistic creative advertising draws in users and keeps them engaged.  It makes them feel connected to your brand and drives them to buy your product. It makes them follow you on social media; log onto your website and in the long run turns them into recurring customers.

People remember creative ads. Innovative and unique ads help in generating brand recall and gaining brand recognition.  A creative ad campaign helps establish your brand to ensure that more people learn about it and the products/services you offer.


While your in-house team may be capable of creating innovative ads for your brand or business, it still might lack that professional touch that an advertising agency brings in. Hiring the best creative advertising agency in India will give you the best results and propel your brand upwards. Every aspect of your advertising campaign counts.

Making sure you choose the right creative design agency and use the right tools to monitor them! If you are in search for a Creative Advertising Agency in Mumbai, log on to www.collateral.co.in


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